SMi Source Lesson Stroke: State

  • SMi Source lesson Stroke: State has the following microlearning topics

  • 1. Introduction: Use of Aspirin and Other Antiplatelet Medications

    2. Overview of Aspirin and Stroke

    3. Knowledge Check: Aspirin and Stroke

    4. Types of Stroke

    5. Clinical Trials and Meta-analysis Data

    6. Aspirin and Stroke in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

    7. Aspirin and Primary Stroke Prevention: Recommendations

    8. Recommendations: Low Dose Aspirin

    9. Knowledge Check: Aspirin and Primary Stroke Prevention

    10. Knowledge Check: Primary Stroke Prevention According to the AHA and ASA

    11. Knowledge Check: Major Risk Factors for Assessing Risk for Developing Heat Disease

    12. Annual Risk, ATT Collaboration, Aspirin Dose, and Risk of Bleeding

    13. Knowledge Check: Recommended Daily Dose of Aspirin for Secondary Stroke Prevention

    14. Stroke Prevention and Other Antiplatelet Drugs: Clopidogrel and Dipyridamole

    15. 1996 CAPRIE Trial and Dual Antiplatelet Therapy

    16. Dipyridamole: Two Preparations and Associated Risk

    17. Dipyridamole: Side Effects and 2006 ESPRIT Trial

    18. Knowledge Check: Antiplatelet Agents

    19. Secondary Stroke Prevention: AHA and ASA Recommendations

    20. Summary: Stroke Prevention Key Concepts