SMi Source Lesson Binge Eating Disorder

  • SMi Source lesson Binge Eating Disorder has the following microlearning topics

  • 1. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Disease State

    2. Diagnostic Criteria, Disease Onset, and Clinical Course

    3. Diagnostic Criteria

    4. Knowledge Check: Diagnostic Criteria for BED

    5. Knowledge Check: Diagnosis of Behavior

    6. Knowledge Check: Diagnostic Criteria for Bulimia

    7. Disease Onset and Clinical Course

    8. Clinical Features and Complications Associated with Eating Disorders

    9. Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolic Risk Factors

    10. Metabolic Syndrome Components: Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, and Type 2 Diabetes

    11. Potential Complications

    12. Incidence and Prevalence

    13. Demographics

    14. Knowledge Check: Characteristics of BED Patients

    15. Knowledge Check: Lifetime Prevalence of BED

    16. Knowledge Check: Gender Distribution of BED

    17. Diagnosing BED

    18. Diagnosing BED: BES, EDE, EDDS

    19. Diagnosing BED: Challenges

    20. Differential Diagnosis and Common Comorbidities: Eating Disorders

    21. Differential Diagnosis and Common Comorbidities: Psychiatric Disorders

    22. Knowledge Check: Diagnosis of Lack of Control

    23. Knowledge Check: Diagnosis of Purging

    24. Summary: Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Disease State

    25. Knowledge Check: Diagnostic Criteria

    26. Knowledge Check: Diagnostic Criteria for BED

    27. Knowledge Check: BMI Scale

    28. Knowledge Check: BED Patient Characteristics

    29. Knowledge Check: Occurrence Rates

    30. Knowledge Check: Overweight BED Patients

  • Lesson Binge Eating Disorder is built from these main references. Log into SMi Source for a complete list and details.

  • Cullen B. Binge Eating Disorder is added to the DSM-5. A Publication of the National Eating Disorders Association. 2013.

    Hudson JI, Hiripi E, Pope HG, Kessler RC. The prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Biological Psychiatry. 2007; 61:348-58.

    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. SAMHSA Advisory: Clients with Substance Abuse and Eating Disorders. 2011; 10(1).